Duara Logo

Duara brings the world together to fund sustainable development across Africa.


Join the clan by making a monthly pledge of at least $5. This contribution funds projects and gives you voting rights.

Duara logo


Welcome to the clan. Please vote on causes you want to fund.

Joint decisions

Voting sessions are called to approve key funding decisions. Every member has voting rights and can take part in votes.

Trackable impact

You can track project progress and get real-time updates from the field.

In progress
Planting 500 trees in the Narumoru region.
Delivery: 12th July 2024
Financial transparency

All finances and every transaction are accounted for in a public ledger.

🤵 Active members40
✊ Monthly contributions$450
💵 Cash on hand$200

We are creating a global network of microphilanthropists, harnessing the collective power of community to drive meaningful change.
